Here are my custom pokemon Sprite
i made these myself :)
Darkidash A fusion of Darkrai and Rapidash. it's a Dark - Ghost type.
Alolan Vaporeon it's a Fairy - grass type
Necrozma - Xerneas
A fusion of Xerneas and Necrozma It's Fairy - Psychic
Buneevee A Fusion of Buneary and Eevee it's a normal type
everos a fusion of Tauros and Eevee it's a normal type
Creevee it's Eevee's Dark side It's a Ghost type
Alolan Jolteon it's a Posion - Rock type
Necrozma - Latias a fusion of Necrozma and Latias it's a flying - psychic type
XerBuck A fusion of Sawsbuck and Xerneas it's a Grass - Fairy type
Demonic Zekrom It's Zekroms Demon form it's a electric - Dark type
PosionLure A Posion version of Chandelure It's Posion - Fire
Necrozma - Yveltal A fusion of Necrozma and Yveltal It's a Dark - Psychic type
Xerveltal A fusion of Xerneas And Yveltal It's a Dark - Fairy type
RoLade A fusion rotom and Galade It's a Electric - Psychic type
Swanbuck A fusion of Swanna and Sawsbuck It's a Ice - Flying Type
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